Young Girl Big City

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I am an 18 year old girl growing up in the city of London.

Tuesday 9 October 2012


I always said I would be one of those girls who does not get upset over guys and will never cry and be a hot mess But its actually crazily hard to lose someone especially if you did not realise what you had till it was gone. I have to throw my hands up in the air and say I underestimated how upsetting it can be! How do you deal with living without someone who was your closest friend for a period of your life? 

We have all had heartbreak so what advice would you give to someone going through heartache? Mine would be to try and enjoy the time you had and instead of letting it make you cry let it make you smile and attempt to cherish it. However i was watching Sex and the City last night and Carrie said something that made me think "When a relationship ends do we ever really give up the ghost? or are we forever haunted by the spirit of relationships past?" 

What do you think? Are we forever haunted or when the relationship ends does the ghost go to that white light at the end of the tunnel? 

-A xoxo 

Saturday 6 October 2012

True Friends and Fakes!!

In the UK you normally finish secondary school at the age of 16-17 and unless your secondary school has a sixth form attached to it you usually end up either going to a college or to another secondary school that does have a sixth form. I have found that this first year of A-Levels (GCEs) (the first year of college/sixth form) tends to be a major test for friends as it is a very hectic year with a lot of things you have to deal with and if you are not careful months will pass and you will realise you have not spoken to any of your friends!!

I am the sort of person that finds human interaction very interesting and I believe we can learn a lot from the different stages of life. I struggled with my first year but I managed to keep in touch with my close friends but at the same time I also realised some of the people that I called friends were not who I thought they were at all! So with stages like this of life do we fight for a relationship that just does not seem to be there any more or do we learn to just enjoy memories and move on?

Have you ever had a friendship/relationship that just does not seem to be working any more? What did you do fight or move on? How did your decision work out for you? Do you regret your decision?

Let me know in the comment box below.

-A xoxo

Sunday 9 September 2012


There has been a lot of media attention surrounding the Russian punk group 'Pussy Riot' who are using music to fight against Putin their dictator. The girls within the band have shown great courage by trying to speak out and fight for their beliefs. Three of them have even gone to prison where its more than likely they will be be mistreated, but this is the risk they are willing to take for their rights!!!

I personally believe these girls are inspirational and that people watching as they continue their fight should use these girls as inspiration to have courage and to use this courage to fight for what they believe in!! Because without our beliefs and our faith really what are we?

Have more courage and faith in yourself and your abilities and a more content person you will be! "Free Pussy Riot"

What is your opinion on 'Pussy Riot'?

-A xoxo

Wednesday 5 September 2012

Do Leopards Ever Change Their Spots??

So Russell Brand has been rumoured to be going out with ex-spice girl Geri Haliwell, they have been seen holding hands and kissing in public and have been pictured together a lot recently however Russell Brand has been seen checking in to a hotel with a mysterious brunette!! So the question is Do leopards ever change their spots or do they just paint over them so you can not see them?

There is a saying "Once a cheater always a cheater" but is this true or can someone grow up and realise their mistakes and decide to settle down? I have always been one for being ruthless when it comes to cheating in relationships, its my personal opinion that if someone can cheat on you once they can always do it again and its better to cut ties early on to save heartbreak!!! BUT many people have said to me about trying to forgive and forget and saying how for relationships to work you have to put effort in and fight for them.

I want to know what you think; Cut them off or fight  for the relationship?? If so how many times do you forgive someone before you realise that they will not change??

Let me know your opinions!!

-A xoxo

Search for Blog Helpers!!

Hey Guys, 
                 Basically I feel that my blog is focused a little too much on Britain and British news therefore I am looking for a two people to begin with to help me with stories and things to talk about on my blog that is from other countries too!! Just to make the blog a bit more worldwide friendly so if you think that you would be interested in something like this then comment and I will get back to you! :) 

- A xoxo 

Tuesday 4 September 2012

Ah! Back to College! :'(

Hey guys,
                I have had a very hectic summer so apologies for the lack of blogs but it has to be said how amazing was the London 2012 Olympics?! Jheeze everything from the opening ceremony to the best achievement by team GB ever to the closing ceremony!! Absolutely awesome and great to be a part of, I even met the GB Mens Gymnastics team they are SO fit and talented!! LOL!

But it comes to this time of year where every teenager from the age of 11 to 18 dreads; going back to school/college after 6-8 weeks of freedom it feels like going to prison!! It wouldnt be so bad if I didnt know that I am going to have work my butt off this year as I am in Year 13/Leaving Sert whilst also retaking some of my exams from last year (I know, i know dont judge me)

I will probably have lots to rant about and therefore will have lots to blog about :D So speak soon!!

-A xoxo

Sunday 15 July 2012


Yes I know you guys have missed terribly! But I am back from holiday for a couple of days and I am back off to a foreign land again LOL! I am lucky I know!

I had an amazing week and practised a lot of my French, the weather could have been better but it wasn't terrible!! Overall I wish I wasn't back in England!!

- A xoxo